Innovative business training

Innovative Business Training

One of the core activities of CRIFA is innovative business training. We use Motion Intelligence and other training methods unique in the world, which we created and deposited. We take care of the following areas.


Before convincing the intellect, it is necessary to touch and predispose the heart. Blaise Pascal

Many companies claim they take care of innovative business training. And they convey the idea that in order to build a cohesive work team it is sufficient to take people for a few days in the woods or on a sailboat. The more fashionable ones suggest playing with Legos. In our experience, effective team building happens first and foremost by establishing deep and sincere human relationships. A team is not just a group of people working together. It is a group of people who trust each other.


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. George Bernard Shaw

We are always shocked when courses on effective communication for business never mention fundamental communication concepts such as timing, interpretation or feedback process. Even in this area, CRIFA is capable to provide innovative business training. Even in this context we use motional intelligence.


If your actions inspire others to dream more, to learn more, to do more and to become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams

In our innovative business training, entrepreneurs and managers who really want to be leaders learn to move to the background, with their actions. Not just words. Just like it happens in the canteen for the Marines. Officers dine last. After the privates. Motivation and collaboration from other people will follow, as a consequence.


We do not want to be the greatest. Only the best. This is why we carry out a maximum of 10 projects per year.


  • According to Albert Einstein, “learning is an experience, everything else is an information“. It is now well known that frontal teaching and learning methods, based on the mere transfer of data, are pretty much useless. We do not explain, do not teach, do not counsel. We let people experience.
  • Body intelligence. By far superior to the mental one. We exploit this one as well. The environment where innovative business training is carried out plays a fundamental role. Better if outdoors or at least in bright spaces with very high ceilings.
  • Motion Intelligence. Thanks to the use of basic motorial schemes, present in every human being, we unlock and stimulate the single capacities that are necessary to achieve the desired business or organizational result. Resistances to change are skillfully avoided.